Mundane or Miracle?
"Mundane or Miracle? The choice is yours."
These words came through during a healing today. It's not a new sentiment, but it is always a good one to be reminded of, and I felt inspired to share it with whomever may be open to receiving it.
Everything in life, from an egg hatching to a supernova exploding, from the way water swirls when you trail your fingers through it to the way glass shatters when you put your fist through it, could all be viewed as the mundane result of random molecules haphazardly bopping around the Universe in the chaotic mosh pit of life. It could also, though, be viewed as the miraculous product of magical processes of science/math/Divine order (whatever way of looking at it makes you happy. I personally enjoy the view that those three are all just different dialects of the same language) working together in perfect synchronization to orchestrate the complex symphony to which our Universe is forever dancing.
In every moment of every day, you have the ability to choose which view to take. I'm not saying either way is right or wrong, but I certainly know which one sounds a lot more fun to me. And after all, just because we know how something works, does that make it any less magical when it does? It's all up to you.
I leave you with this quote, which is often attributed to Albert Einstein, though apparently there’s no proof of him actually saying it. Either way, I love the energy and the message it brings:
"There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is."