Releva. Repara. Renova.

Releva, Repara, Renova.

Release, Repair, Restore.

These three words came to me during a healing recently and have become a powerful mantra for me. They really capture the essence of what is needed in order for true, deep healing to occur.

Releva (Release): We must first release the cause of the problem. If we hold on to the root cause, the injury, illness or issue will develop all over again.

Rapara (Repair): Once the cause has been released, then healing can truly begin. Allowing the body, the mind, the aura, etc... to repair itself.

Renova (Restore): This may seem redundant, but this step is equally as important as the others, and the most often overlooked. I don't believe we should settle for healing just enough to ease the pain, solve the issue or relieve the stress. I believe we can and should take it a step further to fully restore the injured area back to its full vitality.

It's like restoring a classical painting, the has faded and been damaged. There's a big difference between just repairing the damaged parts, and restoring the entire painting to its original beauty.

Oh, and then, to add a little extra power to the words, I translated them into Latin, which packs a much stronger energetic punch than good ol' English.

So next time you're meditating, or doing healing work on yourself or others, give this little mantra a try and see how it feels. I think you'll enjoy the results!


Of Dolphins & Sand Dollars


Mundane or Miracle?