Empower Thyself
Take your life to the next level as you step forward onto the path of initiation in the ancient mystery school tradition.
Receive pure, powerful teachings that have been handed down in direct lineage for over 3,000 years, and learn tools and practices to master your mind, clear your subconscious, and manifest the highest and best expression of you and your life.
This two day workshop teaches you how to:
Create energetically pure, protected space around you
Protect your own personal energy
Clear negative energy, thoughts & emotions
Call in forces to assist, guide & support you
Bring healing energy into any space
Increase your vitality & life-force energy
Expand your awareness & intuition
Strengthen the connection with your Higher Self
Hold ten times more Light than you do now
Empower Thyself brings you to a higher level of knowledge and understanding of the true mysteries. It enlightens the mind, transforms the soul, and empowers you to create abundance in your life. This initiation, after which you will carry the title of “Adept”, is truly the most important part of our system, and puts you under the guiding wing of the Hierarchy of Light.
If you seek to Know Thyself, first you must Empower Thyself.
Instructor: Charles
Pre-requisites: Life Activation
Cost: $1250